Church Tourism
Come along to a celebratory Easter Coffee Morning and Craft Fair - at St John's Church, Felixstowe. With handmade items, cakes and jewellery to peruse and enjoy, as well as bric a brac, raffle and books. Entrance costs £4 and includes tea/coffee plus cake/savoury item.
Find out more »Come along and take part in an interactive Easter story for families Wondering how to explore and celebrate Easter as a family…? Then here’s your chance! Engage with the real story and reflect on its meaning. This is a family event and children must be accompanied. Followed by tea and cake. To book your place and for further information contact:
Find out more »Ever thought you’d like to work for the British Foreign Service or wondered where Ian Fleming got his inspiration for James Bond? Join Dr Michael J Reynolds for a fascinating talk on spies, in aid of raising funds for Westerfield PCC. Tickets cost £10, and can be purchased from Mike Reynolds has been a diplomat, businessman, opera and music critic, translator, author and lecturer. In his thirty years in Foreign Service he lived in Europe, the USA and all…
Find out more »The Kelvedon Singers are delighted to invite you to join them when they perform two sublime choral works at Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford, Suffolk. Mozart’s Requiem is an unparalleled masterpiece of choral and orchestral music, and stands as one of the most profound and haunting compositions in the Western classical repertoire. Franz Schubert’s Mass in E-flat major is a monumental work that is a testament to his genius in the realm of sacred music. One of Schubert’s last compositions,…
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